Brief Assessment of the Status of Marginalized Populations and local organizations 

United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) tasked MEASURE-BiH with conducting a brief assessment of the status of marginalized populations in BiH and local organizations supporting these groups, particularly in terms of their fundraising capacities and obstacles organizations face in this regard. The primary purpose of the assessment is to contribute to USAID/BIH’s management’s understanding of the current situation of marginalized populations and of their needs for future assistance.

The MEASURE II Assessment team employed rigorous methods to capture high-quality data, generate credible findings, and produce meaningful conclusions and relevant recommendations with information and inputs gathered from a wide range of stakeholders, including the representatives of USAID/BiH, relevant international and government institutions, representatives of local civil society organizations, and representatives of marginalized populations.


The main limitations of this Assessment include a limited sample size for the respondents'''' sub-groups, social desirability bias, and a lack of official data on donor funding. More detail on the methodology, findings, as well as recommendations is provided in the Assessment Final Report below.


(click on the image to download the report)