USAID Guidance / Material

MEASURE works on strengthening USAID/BiH performance management and activity MEL by improving its ability to identify, collect and analyze performance data and information. Within this work, MEASURE prepared a comprehensive Activity MEL Plan Template to facilitate and standardize the MEL planning and reporting by USAID/BiH implementing partners.

The Template includes:

  1. Expended Performance Indicator Reference Sheet (PIRS) Template with detailed instructions and in line with BiHPERFORM/GIS functionalities;
  2. Template for the Indicator Performance Tracking Table for Quarterly and Annual Reports;
  3. Activity LogFrame Template with instructions; and
  4. Required explanation of the connection between the PMP and the Activity-level LogFrame.

MEASURE developed this Template in close cooperation with the USAID/BiH, guided by:

  1. the USAID’s LogFrame requirements (prescribing inter alia capturing of high-level indicators to which Activities contribute),

  1.  each Activity’s program description/statement of objectives (including expected results and indicators) as defined in their award documentation, and
  2. USAID/BiH Performance Management Plan.
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