In 2019, the USAID Mission in BiH tasked MEASURE II with conducting the Gender Analysis 2019 Follow-up to inform the development of the upcoming 5-year USAID/BiH’s Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) and achieve better gender outcomes by following up on findings and recommendations highlighted in the 2016 Gender Analysis Report for BiH. 

The analysis in this report is guided by the analysis questions developed for the 2016 report:

1.Have explicit or implicit gender biases identified in laws, policies, regulations and/or institutional practices through the 2016 Gender Analysis for BiH been eliminated? Which laws, policies, regulations and institutional practices require further gender mainstreaming, update, revision, elaboration, or adaptation to strengthen the country framework that governs the treatment of sectors in the CDCS?

2.Have any major changes occurred in the overall situation with regard to:
a. cultural norms and beliefs that influence the behavior of men and women;
b. allocation of time between market and non-market activities; and
c. access to and control over key resources and services in the CDCS sectors,
when compared to the findings of the 2016 Gender Analysis?

3.What is the balance of current representation of men and women in senior-level decision-making positions and to what extent are their voices heard in decisions made by the public, private, and civil society organizations (CSOs)? Have there been any improvements in this regard since 2016?

4.Which interventions by USAID/BiH and other agencies can help address gendered differences and gender mainstreaming needs across the CDCS sectors?

MEASURE II designed the mixed-methods approach, triangulating relevant information from the following sources:

1.Desk research/comprehensive literature review;
2.Semi-structured key informant interviews;
3.An online survey with USAID/BiH Implementing Partners (IPs);
4.Statistical summaries of available relevant survey data.

More detailed methodology used by the MEASURE II team, as well as findings and recommendations are provided in the Gender Analysis 2019 Follow-up Final Report (see below). 


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